Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


Caderma Calls Leaders in the Southern Asia-Pacific Region to Embrace Mission with Urgency and Courage

The two-day event of mid-year meetings, reports, and the latest developments in the world church and the Southern Asia-Pacific territory wraps up with a commitment program held at the Life Hope Center convention hall on May 7, 2024.

The commitment message delivered by Pastor Roger Caderma, president of the Adventist Church in the Southern Asia-Pacific region, revolves around the mission and identity of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.  He encapsulated these through the different occurrences recorded in the Bible, starting with Revelation 14:6–12, where we find the three angels flying to pass on the message with urgency. 

The second story in Luke 10:1–4 narrates the 70 chosen disciples.  They were given specific instructions that could be considered rather unconventional and may be misconstrued as "unchristian,” for they were told not to greet anyone on the road.  In the context of Eastern tradition, what seems to be simple pleasantries could entail a series of activities that will take a lot of time and could thus delay their mission.  This is not an instruction to be rude and indifferent to others, but rather, it will make them focus on their mission.  An order from an authority that must be complied with.  A simple act of obedience that requires urgency, power, and courage.

Caderma expounded on the relevance of power and courage as described in 2 Kings 4:29–33, where the prophet Elisha gave clear and specific instructions to Gehazi. “This serves as a reminder to stay committed to instructions from leaders. Gehazi's failure in the story highlights the importance of motive. Authority alone isn't sufficient; faith in God's power is crucial. Even with authority and the Holy Spirit's power, humility and reliance on God remain paramount,” Caderma said.

The story between Joab, Ahimaaz, and the Cushite in 2 Samuel 18:19–20 is a reminder that one must be courageous.  Otherwise, it could contribute to failure— lack of power to fulfill the mission, dependence on authority alone yet not having the power of the Holy Spirit, and most of all, having no courage to do the task.

Caderma pointed out that we are all at risk of committing the same things and failing our mission.  “As the Seventh-day Adventist Church emphasizes urgency in our mission, Mission Refocus underscores the need for the Holy Spirit's power in our lives and ministry. Courage is essential in delivering the message of salvation,” Cadrma explained.

He shared this quote from the pen of inspiration “Every hour, some are passing beyond the reach of mercy. And where are the voices of warning and entreaty to bid the sinner flee from this fearful doom? Where are the hands stretched out to draw him back from death? Where are those who, with humility and persevering faith, are pleading with God for him?”

The commitment message urges everyone that the Lord is calling us to move. It is the call to action and being proactive in reaching others.  Live with a sense of urgency, being vigilant and intentional in our integrated efforts to collaborate so that our programs will reach diverse groups of people.  Prioritize prayer and seek God’s divine intervention so that we become bold ambassadors of Christ to share the light and the truth, not relying on what we have, but on the power of the Holy Spirit to give us the courage.

This powerful reminder was sealed when the administrators and representatives from the different unions and attached fields were given a symbolic representation of this timely reminder in the form of a sand timer, signifying that time is running out and we must have a sense of urgency to deliver the message.  Then he urged everyone to always keep in mind that the Lord is in charge, no matter what difficulties these leaders face as they return to their respective territories.  We are after all chosen for mission.  We remain faithful and He will make us fruitful.

Madonna Lourdes Felicitas, SSD Communication Department

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