Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


East Indonesia Commissions 150 Voice of Youth Teams

After several months of certification classes with almost a thousand ZOOM attendees (907), the East Indonesia Union Conference (EIUC) held its Voice of Youth (VOY) commissioning on July 31, 2021.  In this commissioning rite, 150 VOY teams were dedicated to God before being sent to the field for physical or virtual fulfillment of their duties. 

The commissioning is done as an admission that the youth can do nothing without the Holy Spirit’s empowerment. “The One igniting the Voice of Youth is not the Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) but the Father through the promised Holy Spirit.  Thus, VOY is working with the Trinity in seeking and saving the lost,” Pastor Ron Genebago, SSD Youth Servant, emphasized during his message. He also acknowledged the effort of the youth directors of EIUC under the leadership of Pastor Didi Muntu, EIUC Youth Director, to empower the youth for evangelism. He reminded them and the VOY teams to follow health protocols as they reach out to their communities. 

Pastor Agus Inaray, EIUC Executive Secretary, challenged the youth to follow in the footsteps of the pioneers.  He said, “Just as Joshua Himes, William Miller, and our church pioneers, who were young people in the past, dedicated their youth for God's work, we need many modern Joshua Himes to be the workers who will dedicate their lives to God's work.  Young people must have the spirit to move forward with inexhaustible energy; to use their God-given talents to reveal the truth, and to bring the message of salvation to the perishing world.  The challenge for us, young people, is in Jeremiah 1:7, 8, ‘But the Lord said to me: “Do not say, 'I am a youth,' For you shall go to all to whom I send you, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you,’ says the Lord.’ 'I WILL GO' should be our motto, beloved young people.”

Pastor Samuel Y. Bindosano, EIUC President, led the young people gathered on Zoom in fervent prayer. In his commissioning prayer he pleaded that our young people be filled with the Spirit that in their action and in their words, Jesus will always be lifted and exemplified. 

Ryan Saroinsong, EIUC VOY Coordinator, exclaims, “Praise the Lord. Seeing the number of participants… it is clear to me that these young people are very enthusiastic about their involvement in the work of Christ.  I am ready to resign if at any time I am found hindering the progress of the work of the Voice of Youth in East Indonesia Union Conference.  Imagine what would happen if all the young people of EIUC were involved in spreading the Gospel through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Maranatha!  Jesus is coming soon!"

Pastor Sonny Franky Maromon, a church pastor at Poopo and Kotamobagu churches in EIUC shared his thoughts after the commissioning: “We need to save our young people from the worldly influences.  We pray that through this VOY Ignite commissioning there will be many young people who will experience a personal relationship with Jesus, and ignite the world by sharing the same.” 

“Just as Joshua Himes, William Miller, and other church pioneers, they were all young people when they dedicated their lives to the work of God, our young people today should dedicate their lives at an early age.  We need many modern Joshua Himeses and William Millers to be dedicated workers in the field.”

Pastor Ron Genebago, SSD Youth Servant

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